Gather round all and I will tell you a tale of absolute wonder. Back when I was but a little whipper-snapper we didn't have your fancy dandy portable video games that could fit in the palm of your hand. Oh no. We had fancy dandy portable video games that looked like this:
And Donkey Kong was my absolute favorite!!
My local convenient store had the arcade version right by the front door. And that game just called to me to buy lots of candy and spend my quarters in hours (okay, minutes) of bliss. So when I found out I could, in a way, take this game home with me, well it was a done deal.
I am a nerd. No, not the kind that can do your homework. And not the kind forced into giving up my milk money. Instead, I'm the kind of nerd fascinated with bad horror movies, toys, and cartoons. I don't know squat about playing D&D, but I can tell you all about its Saturday morning cartoon. Forget X-Box. I'm talking about the Atari 2600. If my wife rolls her eyes at it, you'll find it here. This is the perfect place to nerd-out without the Alpha Betas or my wife kicking my butt. So won't you join me?